Unlocking nature-based solutions through carbon markets in Colombia
Day: Wednesday, November 2
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 COT | 5 p.m. CEST | 11 a.m. EDT
Format: Zoom
Language: English
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About the webinar
The 1.5 degree target cannot be reached without protecting and restoring nature, yet there is a significant financing gap with less than 2% of climate finance currently flowing to nature-based solutions (NbS). Governments often struggle to develop investment proposals for the land-based goals of their nationally-determined contributions, largely due to a limited understanding of the rules and dynamics of private carbon markets. Private investors also often lack an understanding of where and how to invest in land-based mitigation, including which concrete project and jurisdictional-level investment opportunities exist and how to structure investments in nature and sustainable landscapes. All actors lack the information needed to assess the economic opportunities provided by a sustainable, nature-and climate-positive economy.
Since September 2021, Climate Focus and FOLU have been collaborating on a research project around financing strategies for terrestrial nature-based solutions (NbS) at a country and global level. The ultimate objective of the project is to enable public and private decision-makers to prioritize and deploy activities and investments that will unlock the potential of NbS for climate mitigation, adaptation, resilience, biodiversity and beyond. The report series includes the publication of country-based assessments in Kenya & Colombia, as well as global analyses focused on the voluntary carbon market.
- Charlotte Streck
Climate Focus Speakers
- David Landholm
- Felipe Bravo
- Luis Cote (TBD)
External Speakers
- Systemiq
10:00 – 10.02 | Welcome and housekeeping rules | Charlotte Streck
10:02 – 10:06 | Introduction and Background | Charlotte Streck
10:06 – 10:50 | Unlocking NBS through VCM
- NBS VCM Model Findings Comparison | David Landholm & Felipe Bravo
- Colombia, Kenya and US
- Global Analysis
- Colombian Deep Dive and relevance for the region | Luis Cote / TBD
- Complementing Voluntary Carbon Markets | Systemiq
- Conclusion and recommendations | Charlotte Streck or David Landholm
10:50 – 10:58 | Q&A | Charlotte Streck
10:58 – 11:00 | Concluding remarks | Charlotte Streck