Clean cooking technologies have a large potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions with additional benefits for health, development and the quality of life for users. Unfortunately, the Programme of Activities mechanism that enables these projects to access carbon finance took off only just before the carbon markets crashed. Climate financiers have the opportunity to use this momentum to ensure that win-win clean cooking technologies are supported. With this goal in mind, Climate Focus has recently published the report New Sources of Climate Finance for Clean Cooking Initiatives for the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves. A follow-up paper is in the making on Exploring Linkages between REDD+ and Clean Cookstoves, which discusses opportunities for aligning these two factors to the advantage of both.
Climate Finance | Energy & Industry
Jun 2014
New Sources of Climate Finance for Clean Cooking Initiatives


Hilda Galt
Sandra Greiner
Charlie Parker

John Costenbader

Patrick O'Reilly