Linkages between REDD+ Readiness and the Forest Investment Program

This report summarizes the differing experiences of Forest Investment Program (FIP) pilot countries, and the specific role of REDD+ readiness, in progressing through the FIP programming process. The report also explores the extent to which FIP funding has supported REDD+ readiness activities in pilot countries and the interplay between different funding initiatives in these countries.

The Forest Investment Program (FIP) was established in 2008 under the Climate Investment Funds to support the development and implementation of government-led programs to achieve measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and other co-benefits from forests. The FIP focuses primarily on REDD+ implementation (Phase 2) activities and aims to bridge the gap between REDD+ readiness (Phase 1) and results-based payments (Phase 3) activities. In this regard, the FIP is often described as the “missing middle” in REDD+ finance.