Increasing Ambition In Nationally Determined Contributions Through Agriculture and Food Systems Innovation

Lead Author: Christine Negra, Senior Advisor, United Nations Foundation

Co-Authors: Haseeb Bakhtary, Lead Consultant, Climate Focus; Sara Minoli, Consultant, Climate Focus


The world faces unprecedented urgency to make agriculture and food systems more resilient to climate change and to lower the greenhouse gas emissions they generate. The next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement, due in 2025, offers a unique opportunity to strengthen investment in, and support for, research and innovation that will  undergird any serious efforts to transform our agriculture and food systems.

This joint UN Foundation-Climate Focus report explores how robust inclusion of seven major categories of agriculture and food system innovation in NDCs is relevant for all countries seeking to cultivate transformative investments that increase their climate action ambition.

It reviews recent literature to assess the effectiveness of investing in agriculture and food systems innovation for achieving necessary climate and agriculture outcomes. It also assesses the prevalence of agriculture and food systems innovation through a comprehensive review of existing NDCs submitted by the countries who are party to the Paris Agreement. The report concludes with recommendations to policymakers and other stakeholders for integrating agriculture and food systems innovation in their NDCs.

As countries amplify agriculture and food objectives in their NDCs, the likelihood of achieving these objectives will increase with explicit inclusion of measures that support innovation. For governments seeking to increase their climate ambition for this important sector, NDCs can signal national priorities to international partners and investors. While every country will have distinct capacities and needs for agriculture and food systems innovation, most countries can find meaningful opportunities to increase support in all categories of innovation.

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