A Cleaning Cooking Call to Action: Delivering Responsible Carbon Finance

We are happy to share the launch of the report on Delivering Responsible Carbon Finance to the clean and improved cooking sector!

The Clean Cooking Alliance envisions a mature, flourishing clean cooking carbon market that operates with integrity, transparency, fairness, and sustainability. The goal is a trusted carbon market in which carbon credit buyers are confident in the emission reductions and co-benefits delivered and award premium pricing as a result.

This report offers a set of Principles that serves to guide responsible conduct in the carbon markets, help build the underlying conditions of trust and confidence needed for this market to flourish, and give buyers confidence in the quality of the programs in which they invest.

Developed in concert with several rounds of consultations, the report and Principles benefited from the collective inputs of more than 500 individuals representing 267 institutions across the clean cooking and carbon financing landscape. These volunteers included project developers, carbon credit sellers and re-sellers, service providers, market facilitators, consultants, carbon standards, and end buyers of carbon credits.

Access the full report at CleanCooking.org.