[Photo by Mouyo Koundji Nan, Agrometeorological Applications Associates]
In Chad, wood and charcoal have traditionally been used as energy for cooking. The collection of fuelwood for cooking in households, especially near the major and rapidly expanding towns, is increasingly difficult. Users need to either travel further and spend longer on collecting fuelwood, an increasingly dangerous task, or spend more on buying fuelwood. Such a shortage also has deleterious effects on civil harmony.
Solar energy is abundantly available in Chad and offers a free, sustainable and safe alternative to cooking in the traditional way. The Solar Cooking in Chad project, set up by Agrometeorological Applications Associates (AAA) in France, aims to promote the use of solar cookers through procurement, distribution and maintenance support to users in refugee camps and surrounding villages. Climate Focus is supporting the carbon asset development of this programme under the voluntary Gold Standard. Services provided include the establishment of baseline emissions for this project, the preparation of design documents and associated Gold Standard documentation and assistance with the validation and registration of the project. Climate Focus is also supporting AAA with their monitoring and evaluation, including providing training on monitoring practices, writing the monitoring report and assisting during verification.
The use of solar cookers promoted by the programme delivers greater security for refugees, as wood collection in conflict zones is perilous, especially for women and children.
The programme promotes a broad range of sustainable development benefits. As the solar cookers are manufactured directly on-site, employment opportunities are created within the refugee camps. The programme furthermore trains women in the production, distribution and repair of the solar cookers. This generates much needed income and skill development opportunities. Finally, reduced need for firewood collection results in more spare time, allowing children to go to school and adults to engage in economic activities.