PID Amazonía

The Platform for Information and Dialogue for the Colombian Amazon (PID) was developed and launched by Climate Focus, together with Fundacion Natura, Red Caquetá Paz and CINDAP in June 2016 in order to improve communication and exchange of information between stakeholders with interests in the region. The initiative is closely aligned with the Colombian Government’s initiative for the Amazon Region, ‘Visión Amazonía’, a regional strategy seeking to reduce deforestation in the Colombian Amazon by 2020. PID provides a new channel of communication for all actors in the region, opens opportunities for partnerships, agreements, and shares knowledge and experience. Project activities include mapping all relevant stakeholders and their activities in the region, developing a website, and organizing workshops and multi-stakeholder meetings.

PID supports local communities

In 2016, PID supported local communities in Guaviare in defining their preferred and most adequate methods of tackling cattle ranching as a driver of deforestation. Through the organization of workshops, PID brought together local producers, state institutions, and civil society organizations. A structured effort was made to determine the technical, economic, and environmental aspects of livestock models for the region. These workshops proved that local producers are aware of the environmental impact of extensive cattle raising and are looking for ways to halt deforestation by finding more sustainable and more productive methods.

Workshops on sustainable ranching, climate action, youth education

In 2017, PID organized six capacity-building workshops on topics such as sustainable cattle ranching in the Amazon region and youth involvement in climate action. PID also organized 10 multi-stakeholder meetings on topics such as Forest Management Plans, the impact of Colombian post-conflict scenario and infrastructure development in Amazon deforestation. The initiative published more than 60 articles and released more than 30 podcasts on its own PID radio station covering a number of topics connected to deforestation, challenges of sustainable farming, infrastructure and youth education in the Colombian Amazon.

2018 focus on gender issues

In 2018, the focus shifted to include the gender approach in environmental conservation policies in the Amazon Region at PID’s multi-stakeholder meeting. Indigenous, afro-descendant and local community leaders, as well as LGBT activists, gathered to discuss the importance of including a gender approach in deforestation policies to recognize the different roles that men and women have in environmental conservation across different cultures. They also discussed concrete steps to make this happen. The PID, as an information hub for projects and stakeholders acting in the Amazon region, will create a document mapping the projects aimed at women and women-led.

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