Progress on the New York Declaration on Forests – An Assessment Framework and Initial Report

In September 2014, a broad coalition of governments, corporations, indigenous peoples’ organizations, and non-governmental organizations signed the New York Declaration on Forests (NYDF), thereby endorsing its 10 goals — ranging from reducing deforestation and forest restoration, international agreements and finance, to better governance. The NYDF is supported by an action agenda but lacks a process or methodology that would allow monitoring progress towards achieving its goals. “Progress on the New York Declaration on Forests: An Assessment Framework and Initial Report” seeks to fill that gap by proposing a framework of indicators that could provide an initial assessment and monitor progress over time. This report, prepared by Climate Focus in collaboration with the Environmental Defense Fund, Forest Trends, The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, and The Global Canopy Program, is the first analysis of a multi-year effort to track progress towards meeting the NYDF goals.

The report is supported by the website with supplementary material, including a detailed assessment of the status of each goal.