The Paris Agreement Summary
This brief summarizes the outcomes of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference in terms of the Paris Agreement and the accompanying COP decisions supporting it.
Forests and Land Use in the Paris Agreement
This Climate Focus Client Brief describes and analyses the role of land use in the Paris Agreement. The Agreement includes an explicit call to developed and developing countries to conserve and enhance forests and other biological carbon reservoirs.
Double Counting in the Paris Agreement
This Climate Focus client brief explains the double counting challenge and how it is relevant to the Paris Agreement.
The Paris Agreement: A New Beginning
This brief provides a critical assessment of the Paris Agreement. While it represents a step forward, it remains to be seen whether the Paris Agreement is the right framework through which to address the collective action problem of climate change.
This publication has also been published online at Brill Online Books and Journals.
Policy Brief
This policy brief focuses on the carbon markets for Africa in light of the Paris Agreement. The African Group has emerged as a key voice calling for the continuation of a reformed CDM in the UNFCCC negotiations. Climate Focus and its partners are supporting this process under the project Strengthening the African CDM pipeline, details of which you can read here.